1. Vulnerable groups such as women and children can access essential health and nutrition services in the immediate aftermath of a disaster.
  2. Health and nutrition systems are strengthened to meet the immediate and longer term needs of the affected populations.
  3. Families and communities are supported to understand, monitor and protect themselves from public health risks, ensure each other’s wellbeing and access to health and nutrition services.
  4. Early Warning and Surveillance are established to enable rapid detection and response to public health issues of concern.  
  5. Inter-agency level health and nutrition coordination platforms (area / country / regional levels) are supported, effective and meeting key needs of target groups
Maternal Newborn Child Health in Emergency:

During an emergency response, Faith Clinic Foundation implements the interventions from our 7-11 strategy, prioritized to the context of the emergency.

The vast majority of childhood deaths in emergency context are due to the same conditions that take lives every year in non-emergency situations. Diarrhoeal diseases, measles, malaria, pneumonia are direct causes of child morbidity and mortality.Childbirth and Newborn Care:

To prevent excess maternal and newborn death in emergency context, minimum initial services package for reporductive health are to be put into place. These include: 

  • Establishing a referral network that facilitates transportation and communication to and from the health centre and the hospital, especially for emergency obsteric and newborn care
  • Providing clean delivery kits to all visibly pregnant women and to birthing facilities
  • Educating the community on healthy childbirth practices, immediate newborn care and early and exclusive breastfeeding


In communities where nutritional needs of the general population are not met, Faith Clinic Foundation staff should work with the United Nations World Food Programme to determine the appropiate food needs and nutrition supplementation for both pregnant and lactating women.

Infant and Young Child Feeding: 

In emergency context, children become more vulnerable to disease and death. With optimal infant and young child feeding practices, the high risk of under nutrition and death can be reduced. Complementary feeding, which significantly contributes to the prevention of under nutrition and mortality in children after 6 months of age, should not be overlooked in emergencies.